Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tweet Tweet!

Ok. This is it. I am humbly admitting that I have a problem. I am officially addicted to Twitter. The girl who mockingly lashed out against facebook to a huge group of friends over a cold keg in college, is now a member of not only the infamous FB, but Myspace (somewhat inactive), LinkedIn, Twitter, and now, Blogger. I have GOT to get a grip, right? The more I think of it, though, the less different I am from all the other cyber litterers out there. As an advertising professional and media buyer, my career forces me become an early adopter of anything that has even the tiniest crevice for us to dig in and commercialize. I am literally in awe of what so recently began as social networking that has now altered into this mammoth we call social media. In a recent study, 88% of marketers said they are using some form of social media to advertise their business or client. 88%- that is WILD- 88% of marketers two years ago weren't even using TELEVISION to advertise! Some still aren't! I have a split brain- 1/2 consumer, 1/2 advertiser. It's hard to wrap my mind around how something I enjoy so much as perusing through profiles of people who, without Facebook, I would have probably forgotten that I knew, has become such a powerful way for someone to target and serve me with their message. Are advertisers ruining the very portal that may become the absolute STRONGEST way to reach us?


  1. In the case of MySpace, I do think that advertising is ruining the user experience. Ads on this site are just plain annoying and intrusive. However, in my opinion, the advertising on Facebook somehow enhances the user experience. As a digital media buyer I know that Facebook's advertising technology is so much more advanced. Advertisers can target based on geography, demographic & interests. I actually kind of like seeing the advertising on Facebook because it usually something I am interested in. Plus, I think they do a really nice job of making the advertising conform to the look of the site instead of the other way around. Bottom line is that Facebook is superior to MySpace is every respect.

  2. My this experience is great and as everyone is aware of social media and social media is the best part i have ever seen as one of the best medium of advertising.
