In the swift and hurried day that we live in, it seems everyone is working towards some kind of goal. Whether it's to make it through a mundane afternoon at work just to get home to your couch, or climbing the corporate ladder to become your boss's boss, it seems everyone's got an agenda or some zenith to reach. But if you take a hasty second, any given minute in your rush to achievement, you'll realize...we are all at a crossroad. A personal crossroad, a professional crossroad, whichever it may be, we're all there. I, personally, am at that crossroad between 20-something and adulthood. I'm that "adult" that still laughs a childish jokes, talks too loud, and refuses to quit giggling when I get embarrassed. I still like my too trendy clothes from college and I tend to often forget about my responbilities. On the other hand, I get up every day and pursue my career, I come home to a house that I worked hard to own, filled with the things I love, my husband, my pups, my memories in frames. I cook dinner (sometimes) and I clean (enough to appease the health department), I pay bills, etc etc etc. But what I will never be is a suit...or a domestic goddess....or a woman who can control her giggling. So...that's my crossroad.
More often than not, a crossroad is assumed to be a dejected matter, a tough position, the peak of a either a major decision or a disasterous breakdown. But I have to politely disagree. A crossroad can be a flawless, unspoiled moment. A moment where we have total control. A moment where we can stop, look both ways, and go whichever way we fancy...or not at all. The truth is, a crossroad may be exactly where we want to be. A new self, clinging to parts of our former identity that made us genuine and authentic- embracing fresh qualities of our new atmosphere that only better the authentic soul we've created. That's where I am. That perfect, imperfect, unfinished place- and that's fine by me. I'm cool with the crossroad.
A Month of Reflection
3 months ago